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A Studio Style Newborn Session in the comfort of your own home

Studio Style, or Staged Newborn Photos

Do you prefer the sweet, sleepy look of posed newborn photos? Baby swaddled up all cute in a bucket, basket, or on a bean bag?

These sessions are a great option for clients who wish to have a more polished and posed look to their newborn images. Studio style newborn photography is slightly more involved than a lifestyle newborn session, as it requires the planning of specific sets to include backdrops, props, and coordinating wraps/newborn outfits and accessories. Some poses to expect from this type of session: sibling poses (when applicable), parent poses with baby, family poses with everyone, baby alone, and detail shots of baby's tiny newborn features (eyelashes, fingers, toes, etc.) Factors like room temperature and noise level are important considerations, though I will supply a space heater and sound machine to aid in getting baby into a nice, relaxed state/sleep. Since the room temperature may be more elevated than what you're typically used to, dressing accordingly is important to your comfort and health. It's easy for clients to overheat, or even pass out due to elevated temperature, fluctuating hormones, and dehydration at this stage of recovery in your postpartum journey. Drinking lots of fluids, having a place to sit, and dressing for the temperature are all important elements to a successful, safe, and enjoyable experience.

Potato sack pose of newborn baby girl on a blue flokati blanket

There's a bit of magic involved in getting these sleepy shots of your baby, mainly some specific wrapping techniques, that small space heater to localize the heat I mentioned, and a selection of my favorite noise-maker sounds to drown out any other startling noises (siblings running around during the session, for example). Having your newborn fed and changed when I arrive, or while I set up will help to facilitate getting them to that sleepy and calm state that much easier and sooner. If there are siblings participating in the session as well, allowing them the freedom to take breaks, go play in another room, snack, and/or watch what's transpiring with their newest family member will help to keep everyone happy and willing to be photographed. One of the perks of having your newborn studio style session at your own home is access to age-appropriate snacks and entertainment for the rest of the family while I work on getting those sleepy poses of baby by themselves.

While there's no guarantee that baby will totally cooperate or sleep during our session together, there are things you can do to help better ensure this happens! Scheduling your session in advance will allow us to select a date when baby is in that ideal newborn stage: 7-21 days of age. Newborns are far more sleepy in those first few weeks, sleeping more often, and more deeply. They're also much more capable, flexible, and willing to be molded to certain intricate newborn poses.

Mom holding newborn son during posed newborn photo session at home in clinton, connecticut

An added benefit to a studio style session is you don't have to worry how your home will appear! Your home won't be in the images at all, so no cleaning, no clutter-clearing. Just drop it all, and point me in the direction of an approximately 10x10 ft space to set up my backdrops and props. Then enjoy an actual HOT cup of tea or coffee, sit down relax, and let me do all the work to set the tone for your memorable newborn session!

So, if you're expecting, now is a great time to start thinking about how and where you'd like to have your newborn photos done. For more info about booking a session with me, reach out through the form below! I'd love to hear from you!

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